Open Studios, light installation by Günter Ries, VG Bild Kunst
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19 July 2025, 14:00 - 22:00
20 July 2025, 13:00 - 18:00
The Open Studios in Gerichtshöfe Wedding, which take place annually (this year in July), are an integral part of Berlin's art calendar. Year after year, thousands of visitors come to the 70 studios and workshops between Gerichtstrasse and Wiesenstrasse. This is where you can still find the increasingly rare "Berlin mix" of workspaces and studios for local and international artists and designers, craft businesses and flats under one roof. In 1983, the first artists rented spaces in the historic complex between Gerichtstrasse and Wiesenstrasse in Berlin-Wedding and set up their studios and workshops here. GESOBAU AG is still the landlord today. With more than 70 artists from different backgrounds and artistic orientations, the Gerichtshöfe, which comprise four courtyards with eight staircases, are now one of the largest studio buildings in Germany.
Open Studios 2024, photo by Tassilo Letzel
21 September 2024, 15:00 - 23:00
With this year's edition of OPEN STUDIOS on Saturday, 21 September 2024, 45 artists and designers will once again open their studios and art spaces in the historic factory building at Gerichtstraße 12-13 in Wedding – today one of the largest studio buildings in Germany. Many of the participants have invited guests for collaboration, allowing creatives from various fields to develop joint presentation formats for OPEN STUDIOS 2024 – from classic art exhibitions and digital event spaces to live performances with audience. Tables and benches will be set up in the large courtyard – a perfect place to come together and enjoy the late summer atmosphere with refreshing snacks and drinks.
Here are some examples of the programme in alphabetical order:
Léa Kieffer and Timothée Nay, Radio Whales, performance, photo: Mari Vass
Open Studios Gerichtshöfe, Studio Anna Zett, photo by Rosa Merk
Open Studios Gerichtshöfe, photo by Rosa Merk
With the kind support of Gesobau AG
Gerichtshöfe Wedding
Access via Gerichtstr. 12-13 or Wiesenstr. 62
KUNST IM KARTON, 29 - 30 November 2023
Gerichtshöfe, Gerichtstrasse 12-13, Aufgang 3, 13357 Berlin
Find all infos here
Open Studios Gerichtshöfe
OPEN STUDIOS — 9 September 2023, 4pm till midnight
For the 2023 edition of OPEN STUDIOS on Saturday, 9 September, more than 40 artists and craftsmen are opening their studios and workshops in the historic factory building at Gerichtstraße 12/13 in Wedding. The open studios in the Gerichtshöfe, which take place every year in September, are an integral part of Berlin's art calendar. Year after year, thousands of visitors come to the 70 or so studios and workshops between Gerichtstrasse and Wiesenstrasse. This is where you can still find the increasingly rare "Berlin mix" with workspaces of local and international artists, designers, craft businesses and flats under one roof.
Open Studios Gerichtshöfe
List of all participants
Bettina Baer, Saba Bagheri (guest: Sanaz Azimipour), Silke Bartsch, Christine Bayer (guest: Aperture Film Lab), Anne Berning, Leda Bourgogne (guest: Samuel Haitz), Asgar Bozorgi, Sibylle Gädeke, Annette Goessel, Helmut Gutbrod, Anette Haas (guest: Andrea Schmidt), Halo Labels, Georg Haubrich, Amélie von Heydebreck, Jan von Holleben, Patrick Huber, Sarah Illenberger, Aneta Kajzer (guest: Henrik José), Richard Kellett, Cosima zu Knyphausen, Schirin Kretschmann, Lutz Müller, Simon Olley, Valerie Otte, Jakob Roepke, Wolfgang Rohloff, Lorenz Rost, Matthias Rühl, Wolfgang Rüppel, Susanne Schirdewahn, Helga Schmelzle (guest: Anne vom Hofe), Kate Schneider, Arryn Snowball, Eva Sörensen, Craig Stewart, Andrea Wallgren, Ulrich Werner, Andreas Wolf, Anna Zett (guest: Angela Muñoz)
Some artists are opening up their spaces for guest presentations and collaborative events, thereby expanding the classic format of the studio tour and creating exciting synergies and new formats and references. the complete overview of all events will be presented on the information boards on site; here are some examples:
Visitors can also stroll through the floors and staircases of the Gerichtshöfe and go on a personal voyage of discovery (with the exception of the construction sites). Many other artists invite you to visit their studios and are happy to take the time to talk to you. At Silke Bartsch's studio, for example, you can explore how she arranges colour spaces in her paintings through delimitation, dissolution and transparent layering (Aufgang 7). Andrea Wallgren will be showing her latest large-format paintings, in which she traces the complex relationships between colour, space and people (Aufgang 7). Together with Andrea Schmidt, Anette Haas presents current lithographs and drawings (staircase 2).
With the kind support of Berliner Sparkasse and Gesobau AG
Gerichtshöfe Wedding
Access via Gerichtstr. 12-13 or Wiesenstr. 62
In den Gerichtshöfen der GESOBAU AG zwischen Gerichtstraße und Wiesenstraße (Baujahr 1912) befinden sich seit 1983 die Ateliers und Werkstätten von zahlreichen KünstlerInnen und Handwerks- und Gewerbebetrieben. Das Kunstquartier ist mit rund 70 Ateliers eines der größten in Deutschland. mehr